

Irmeli Document: Defined Roles one observer-1 feedback, 2 facilitators.
I propose: Jairo  is the observer-documenter, Sandra + Clara facilitators and Amparo does feedback.

I propose:
1o. Concentrate the 1st Game icebreaker (Amparo) .......................................... 10 min
2o. Observe: Video SENA vs. Magdalena Video - The two sides of the coin... 10 min
3o. Domino Game or other method for debate: Quality in Education ................ 40 min
4o. Feedback with Sea Star (Amparo) ..................................... ......................... 15 min

Suggest, Clara and Sandra select a specific theme Quality in the SENA, where they can engage other partners (11). Avoid bad emphasize, as the SENA also has very good things. This will link the 3rd and 4th points.
    Resultado de imagen para karaoke en ingles
I already have the game ready Concentrate with photos of all participants, the English video karaoke SENA and starfish. Besides already ordered 18 dynamic mini-books about coaching to give to all participants, once finalized our workshop.

Recall workshop achieved with the 3 classes of learning outcomes: cognitive, psychomotor and affective.


Video Selección WorldSkills Santander 2015

These are outstanding students in different skills for a nationwide competition and from there to international.
Bucaramanga: Health, hairdressing, cooking, Barista.

pedagogical script for each teaching session

Implement network structure according to a preset design from international technical standards.

*Select tools, equipment and materials necessary for the execution of the work cabling and / or wireless network, according to the specifications defined in the design. (knowledge)

*Install: structured cabling and / or wireless network in accordance with the rules and cabling standards and safety regulations. (psychomotor)

*Organize a collaborative game where you include 20 concepts related to computer networks, apply with your classmates and share a meal at the end of the session (affective)

1. Breaking Ice...................... Video ...................10min
2. Introduction Topics ......................................... 5 min
3. Role Playing .................................................... 60min
4. Feedback ......  star-fish .................................  15min
5. Evaluation .......Collaborative Game................  10min
6. Close Session ................................................. 10min
Slack Time.......................................................... 10min