

Loved the pedagogical strategy of collaborative mental map, as we received contributions of all partners: videos, photos, texts, newspaper articles, notes of interest and books related to the subject. I've recently used with my students.

The collaborative mind map to visualize the different points of view on a topic of interest, and is best seen and identify the contributions of each and every one of the members.

You can see points of affinity and divergent points of all members. Everyone should support their opinions, attach files displayed in graphical or textual form, reinforcing the content.

1 comentario:

  1. Great that you also finished this task!

    How did you do the final wrap-up with your students, when you used the method? I think that is always the difficult part: collecting links and building the map is fun, but figuring out, how to measure the learning can be difficult. With my next group I plan to take a picknick in the park, play games with the concepts and have speakers corner, let's see, how it works!
    - irmeli
