
WRAP-UP: the overall experience of taking part in Haaga Helia programme

During these 18 months I have lived an accumulation of unforgettable experiences, although I have 25 years in education, I have learned: new teaching strategies, new forms of guidance and counseling, new forms of assessment, new educational approaches, new ways of looking at the and students in general: a new way of seeing the world.

The future is very promising for the SENA, in 2016: we will receive 8,000 people post-conflict and model Haaga Helia is special to apply them: guidance, counseling, use of TICs, collaborative work, evidence of performance and evidence of product .

We hope to form 15 * 25 = 375 SENA instructors in the first half of the year to replicate this training across the country.

In life, what sometimes seems an end,
It is really a new beginning.

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