

David Kolb developed a model-based learning experiences. To Kolb "experience relates to the whole range of activities that allow learning".

Kolb identified two aspects of learning: the perception and processing: "learning is the result of the way people perceive and then process what they have seen."

He mentioned two opposite types of perception: people who see through concrete experience and persons perceived through abstract conceptualization. Some people processed through active experimentation while others through reflective observation.

Kolb has a four-quadrant model to explain learning styles:
1. Engage entirely without prejudice to situations that may arise.
2. Reflect on those experiences and perceive from various approaches.
3. Generate concepts and integrate their observations into logically sound theories.
4. Be able to use these theories to make decisions and solve problems.

MY LAST TWO MONTHS: September and October

I was very busy with the move to my new apartment, I also had to buy laptop and cell phone to connect with my team: The Winners and perform the remaining activities with my tutors Haaga Helia.
Also, I committed 100% to my training center in Bucaramanga prepare students for SaberPro tests and math Olympics. I designed a simulator test in Blackboard platform for these students.

Also I oriented training apprentices 30 hours each week and shared my new pedagogical knowledge with pedagogical advisors and academic coordinator.

Unfortunately I had no time to perfect my speak Inglés, I hope to do in the holidays in December and January.

September was a very special month: Fairs and Festivals in Bucaramanga, Day of Love and Friendship and My Birthday!

2 months were intense but motivated by the new knowledge received.

MAPA MENTAL: Educación Sociedad y Cultura

The Colombian government, especially in the region of Santander, where I live, is interested in developing communication skills in English, especially in low-income students, for a level of English is worth U$ 100 per month and are 16 levels in total.


I attached on the mental map 3 links:

1. Statistics on the level of English in the Colombian students http://diarioadn.co/vida/educaci%C3%B3n/d%C3%A9ficit-de-ingl%C3%A9s-en-colombia-1.47728

2. An educational joke of the use of Spanglish

3. A video of Paulo Freire about the relationship between pedagogy, politics and ethics.

Ver: http://mind42.com/mindmap/1e572d49-7981-4f31-a350-30b0a7138418