
MAPA MENTAL: Educación Sociedad y Cultura

The Colombian government, especially in the region of Santander, where I live, is interested in developing communication skills in English, especially in low-income students, for a level of English is worth U$ 100 per month and are 16 levels in total.


I attached on the mental map 3 links:

1. Statistics on the level of English in the Colombian students http://diarioadn.co/vida/educaci%C3%B3n/d%C3%A9ficit-de-ingl%C3%A9s-en-colombia-1.47728

2. An educational joke of the use of Spanglish

3. A video of Paulo Freire about the relationship between pedagogy, politics and ethics.

Ver: http://mind42.com/mindmap/1e572d49-7981-4f31-a350-30b0a7138418

2 comentarios:

  1. Thans, Luz! This is a great way of sharing your own contribution in the mutual map! I have also included your views in my report to SENA in the sence that I argue that our implementation of teacher education is inline with your local strategy of improving the English skills of the teachers, while at the same time offering support in Spanish (=David).


  2. Hello Luz Amparo,
    You really seem to be into blogging as there are already quite many items on your blog!
    Thanks for contributing to the collective mind map. Indeed, good to see that English is one of the priorities of your local strategy. These days, it's impossible to operate internationally without a decent command of English. Our programme gives you the opportunity to improve your proficiency in English and will hopefully stimulate you to increase awareness of the importance of the English language among your colleagues
    and students.
    The only missing task (correct me if I'm wrong) is the final personal wrap up based on the collective mind map. Please, add it to your blog before next week. Bw David
