
My proposal Learning Network

THE 4 C                 

This methodology is learned from a professor from India and is that we divide each working session in 4 moments:

1. CONNECTION: consists of establishing a link between apprentices to connect or "hook" to the subject matter. For example, a dynamic, a game, a puzzle, a different greeting hands or voice greet elbows, shoulders or hips.

2. CONCEPT: It consists of applying the rule of 10 minutes of attention of the student. Explain the main concept of the session: clear, concise, brief. Leave extra-class for other items not so important. Allow students to make charts, take photos, make mind maps, synthesis, teach each other. If there are several important concepts, leave an interval of 1-2 minutes to re-affirm the previous concept questions and then move to the new concept.

3. CONCRETION: It is that students take practice concept entrenched knowledge, engage with reality. It is not observed as does the teacher, nor like other classmates, it is each implement the concept treaty, ask questions, check the theory.

4. CONCLUSION: This is the final moment of the session, where the protagonist is not the teacher but the students. It is know that they felt like they thought the dopamine generating activity and end with any activity that produces joy and happiness of learning done.

We can create a network of trainers to implement the methodology 4C and share strategies for each of the 4 times, this pedagogically enrich all participants of the network and strengthen the soft skills of each of them.

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