

Networks Instructor:

Positive: Organize the theoretical framework first and then divide the group into 2 to make the practice of network cabling leaning with the best winning apprentice WorldSkills networks. Oriented with respect to the student and quiet and unhurried manner.
Improve: Do not set the connection to the group to start training or make conclusions at the end of the session.

Computer Maintenance Instructor

Positive: It works quite the guidance and counseling. Explained in detail to one or two students. Make general conclusions at the end of the class session.
Improve: Do not set the connection to the group to initiate the formation and has a strong tone of voice that sometimes frightens students.

Cooking Instructor

Positive: Demonstrates experience in the art of cooking. Teaches hygiene and occupational health, emphasizes order and cleanliness in the kitchen. Shows an example first, then students practice, the constantly monitors and corrects when necessary. When the session ends, the students eat the food prepared and the chef evaluates the activity.
Improve: Do not make a connection to the activity log. No smiles.

Software Instructor

Positive: It establishes an initial connection. It feels very sure of himself. The teacher has a sense of well developed ear perceives any comments quietly. The teacher explains calmly, the inspire confidence. He teaches SENA instructors to use the "JAWS" software for blind students to use the computer and receive training in the Seine.
To improve: Lack establish a closing activity class.

Digital Printing Instructor
Positive: The teacher organizes the 16 students in 6 groups of 3 and each group is given a topic to investigate. Students are free to select an ICT tool for preparing the final report and then shared with classmates. All teach everyone.

To improve: Lack establish a logon activity, it only takes attendance

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