
WRAP-UP: the overall experience of taking part in Haaga Helia programme

During these 18 months I have lived an accumulation of unforgettable experiences, although I have 25 years in education, I have learned: new teaching strategies, new forms of guidance and counseling, new forms of assessment, new educational approaches, new ways of looking at the and students in general: a new way of seeing the world.

The future is very promising for the SENA, in 2016: we will receive 8,000 people post-conflict and model Haaga Helia is special to apply them: guidance, counseling, use of TICs, collaborative work, evidence of performance and evidence of product .

We hope to form 15 * 25 = 375 SENA instructors in the first half of the year to replicate this training across the country.

In life, what sometimes seems an end,
It is really a new beginning.

Communities and Networks - Comprehensive Assessment

"If we teach today as we taught students to yesterday, we are stealing the future"

Collaborative work gave us:
1. Develop a brainstorming
2. To achieve the objectives quickly
3. Increase final results
4. Increase quality and coverage of event
5. Make any changes that may be necessary: place, date, duration of the event.
6. Give us support and courage each other.

The initial plan had some modifications due to the change of place and the impossibility of meeting in person, we use the virtual communication by email and whatsapp.

Teaching Practice Comprehensive Assessment

In my teaching practice I managed to improve on three aspects:

1. Curriculum Design: I managed in the company of my colleagues Haaga Helia formulate the curriculum design for a complementary course of 144 hours (30% and 70% virtual classroom) called "teaching skills based on cooperation between trainers" to be developed SENA next year.

2. Collaborative Networking: I achieved develop strengths to network with colleagues, discover their strengths and talents, to support us, work together and achieve a common goal.

3. Previous Learning Students: Through this pedagogical training I discovered the importance of involving previous knowledge in training, knowledge and profit from even bright students to support less bright.


SESSION PLAN: Design and Construction of a Network LAN (8 hours)
Design and build a local area network for a small business.

*Researching on the internet, with their classmates or other teachers, about build a local area network  using star topology, write and socialize. (knowledge)
*Create a business networking and maintenance with name, logo, slogan and roles for its members.(affective)
*Flat design and build miniature local area network according to the measurements given by the teacher. (psychomotor)

     Researching and walking
     Role play
     Consulting experts

SESSION CLASS THREE:  8 hours = 480 minutes
1. Breaking Ice: making pizza  …………………..……..20min
2. Introduction Topics ................................................  10min
      3. Researching and walking (Laboratory Networks)... 90min
      4. Coffee Break ………………….………………………30 min
      5. Flat design ……………………………………....…… 90min
      6. Research prices of network elements, computers
          and printers………………………………………….... 30min
      7. Design the presentation with some slides………..   60min
8. Socializing with the group………………….…….….  60min
9. Feedback ........................................................         15min
10. Team Assessment ….………………………........... 40min
11. Up evidence Sofiaplus LMS ………………...….…. 15min
12. Close Session (order and cleanliness)...................10min
Slack Time...............................................................     10min

Total........................................................................    480min



Session plans were some changes when running in reality.

The planned start time was changed because of some situations:
1. Activities that were not planned center.
2. Absence of some apprentices.
3. Slow internet signal to design plans
4. Lack of tariffs to be charged by the network design.
5. Lack of prices on the market of the network elements and computer equipment


"SENA Students are hired for what they know and
fire them for who they are "


My reflection today:
In this moment, I observe my classmates and I notice that everyone is unique, different, has its own style of teaching and everyone puts the touch to their own class session: funny, calm, serious, spicy, simple or sophisticated.

But what is really important in teaching is to achieve the transformation of the student: in knowledge, values, principles, attitudes and skills.

It is very important that students do not feel you're wasting your time but anxiously students wishing to enter class and learn new things. Student do not want to study, students want to learn.


Networks Instructor:

Positive: Organize the theoretical framework first and then divide the group into 2 to make the practice of network cabling leaning with the best winning apprentice WorldSkills networks. Oriented with respect to the student and quiet and unhurried manner.
Improve: Do not set the connection to the group to start training or make conclusions at the end of the session.

Computer Maintenance Instructor

Positive: It works quite the guidance and counseling. Explained in detail to one or two students. Make general conclusions at the end of the class session.
Improve: Do not set the connection to the group to initiate the formation and has a strong tone of voice that sometimes frightens students.

Cooking Instructor

Positive: Demonstrates experience in the art of cooking. Teaches hygiene and occupational health, emphasizes order and cleanliness in the kitchen. Shows an example first, then students practice, the constantly monitors and corrects when necessary. When the session ends, the students eat the food prepared and the chef evaluates the activity.
Improve: Do not make a connection to the activity log. No smiles.

Software Instructor

Positive: It establishes an initial connection. It feels very sure of himself. The teacher has a sense of well developed ear perceives any comments quietly. The teacher explains calmly, the inspire confidence. He teaches SENA instructors to use the "JAWS" software for blind students to use the computer and receive training in the Seine.
To improve: Lack establish a closing activity class.

Digital Printing Instructor
Positive: The teacher organizes the 16 students in 6 groups of 3 and each group is given a topic to investigate. Students are free to select an ICT tool for preparing the final report and then shared with classmates. All teach everyone.

To improve: Lack establish a logon activity, it only takes attendance


My Teaching Practice (2 part)

This is part of my class session today started with an activity in connection with classmates and with the theme: Excel spreadsheet. The dynamics of the coins took place: in groups of 5 students, turning them spend 15 coins each time; packages first 15 coins, then in packs of 5 coins and then packs 1 coin.

They are calculated and recorded times of each team. Exercise is analyzed and reflects.

In a second point in the class, I present the SENASOFT 2015 event and invite all students to attend the event with another teacher because I will be meeting in Bogota in Week 6 of Haaga Helia.

Finally, each student presents a proposal of a hotel made with PowerPoint. Other partners observe and make comments.

NOTE: I have a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LuzABlancoMedina

My Project Networks (Report 2)

The educational event was organized for the first week of November but unfortunately the Main Auditorium of SENA passed total remodeling and we had to hold the event in the morning in the Minor Auditorium of SENA on November 19  will be oriented  for 100 participants: SENA teachers and students.

My teaching practice (1 part)

These are pictures and video of my teaching practice in guiding my 25 trainees SENA Technical Systems:

My Network of 5 Santander SENA instructors - My Project Networks (Report 1)

These are the members of my network of collaborative work:


Orientadora de procesos de formación pedagógicos y didácticos   en el SENA y en Entidades Empresariales y Educativas.
Tallerista de procesos de orientación pedagógica
Conferencista en el área de la pedagogía.
Diseñadora de material de formación basado en competencias.
Evaluadora de Competencias Laborales
Coordinación de Equipos Ejecutores de la Formación Profesional Integral
Líder Pedagógico de la Regional Santander  SENA (6 años)
Líder Pedagógico del Centro de Servicios Empresariales actualmente

Foto del perfil de Omar Mateus SanchezOMAR MATEUS SANCHEZ  Ingeniero de Sistemas de la UIS. Instructor SENA presencial y virtual en la Tecnología de Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información. Asesor Pedagógico actualmente en el CSET de Bucaramanga.

JOSE MANUEL ARIZA JOSE MANUEL ARIZA   Soy Administrador de Empresas graduado en 1982 de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, actualmente adelantando una Especialización en Gerencia de Mercadeo, vinculado al SENA desde el año 2004 como instructor del área empresarial y de proyectos, además, he ejercido como Líder de Competencias Laborales durante dos años, y desde el año 2010 se me asignaron funciones de Coordinador Académico. 


Profesional en Administración de empresas y Negocios Internacionales
Especialización en Banca y Finanzas
Formación en Mercadeo, Ventas, Negociación, Comercialización, BPO.
Estudios complementarios en Pedagogía, técnicas de aprendizaje, sistemas ente otros
Diplomados en Sistemas de Gestion, Gerencia del Servicio, Cultura Organizacional, Investigacion de Mercados
Experiencia Laboral en empresa privada de 16 años en el area comercial  ventas y administrativa
Experiencia Docente en SENA de 17 años en el area de comercio y ventas


Blog de Gesvin

Recomiendo suscribirse a este blog donde Gesvin Romero publica semanalmente articulos interesantes acerca del uso de herramientas tecnológicas en el Aula.


Mi cumpleaños 2015

Gracias a todos mis compañeros de Haaga Helia por los mensajes recibidos.
Los quiero mucho y los extrañaré cuando terminemos en noviembre.
El SENA me mandó una torta a mi casa, la comparto virtualmente.
 Un abrazo para todos!!


La Escuela Nacional de Instructores ENI de Bogotá

A continuación vemos 2 videos tomados con mi celular de las instalaciones de la Escuela Nacional de Instructores ENI en Bogotá.


My Project Networks

Elevator Pitch: My project is to create a network of 5 Santander SENA instructors to share successful teaching experiences through an academic event oriented 100 teachers from schools in the city. The event will last for four hours in the main auditorium of the SENA in Bucaramanga.

This is my event planning "GOTAS PEDAGOGICAS":

The public will be an active participant in the event, they participate as actors in active didactic strategies given for the 5 organizers.

The event will use the strategy 4C:
CONNECTION: Music. Greetings to the body, not your hands.
CONCEPT: Videos Finland and Germany, Exposition of 10 minutes.
CONCRETION: 10 active teaching strategies
CONCLUSION: Expressing feelings and sing Karaoke.

Ready, set, on your mark ................... PROJECT BEGINS!

My land: Santander - Colombia

This is my land: Santander (Colombia):
SENA has in Santander eight training centers located in the cities of Bucaramanga, Giron, Floridablanca, Piedecuesta, SANGIL, Velez Malaga and Barrancabermeja.

I am working in the beautiful city of Bucaramanga, capital of Santander.
Bucaramanga has 600,000 people, 48% are men and 52% women,
It has 44 public schools in urban areas. There are 124.000 students.
Bucaramanga's website is:   www.bucaramanga.gov.co 
There see statistics of my city.


Jornada Extramural 2 - Sede Social de Girón

Esta es la evidencia de mi actividad pedagógica con 13 instructores de Sistemas y Gestión Documental realizada el dia 26 de agosto (7am-2pm).

Jornada Extramural 1 Parque La Flora

Esta es la evidencia de mi actividad pedagógica con 28 instructores del Convenio SENA-MEN el dia viernes 22 de agosto de 7am a 2pm.


Los 2 hemisferios del cerebro (Derecho vs Izquierdo)

I want to share a video I saw today and shocked me because a neuroanatomist (Jill Bolte Taylor) explains how the human brain so scientific and so we can better understand our students and ourselves.

The link is:


My proposal Learning Network

THE 4 C                 

This methodology is learned from a professor from India and is that we divide each working session in 4 moments:

1. CONNECTION: consists of establishing a link between apprentices to connect or "hook" to the subject matter. For example, a dynamic, a game, a puzzle, a different greeting hands or voice greet elbows, shoulders or hips.

2. CONCEPT: It consists of applying the rule of 10 minutes of attention of the student. Explain the main concept of the session: clear, concise, brief. Leave extra-class for other items not so important. Allow students to make charts, take photos, make mind maps, synthesis, teach each other. If there are several important concepts, leave an interval of 1-2 minutes to re-affirm the previous concept questions and then move to the new concept.

3. CONCRETION: It is that students take practice concept entrenched knowledge, engage with reality. It is not observed as does the teacher, nor like other classmates, it is each implement the concept treaty, ask questions, check the theory.

4. CONCLUSION: This is the final moment of the session, where the protagonist is not the teacher but the students. It is know that they felt like they thought the dopamine generating activity and end with any activity that produces joy and happiness of learning done.

We can create a network of trainers to implement the methodology 4C and share strategies for each of the 4 times, this pedagogically enrich all participants of the network and strengthen the soft skills of each of them.


Coaching Colombia - Bucaramanga

I recommend visiting the following link:

Alejandro Morales is directing eight conferences 4 hours each in the Auditorium of SENA Bucaramanga about Coaching for personal use, labor, intellectual, emotional intelligence, financial intelligence, health, love and spirituality.

On this website soon appear videos of the 8 conferences.
I share with love for you. Luz Amparo Blanco Medina

Ensayo: Megatendencias: Mito o Verdad?

El mundo actual está confuso, todo interconectado, cableado o wi-fi, pero no hay comunicación real entre los humanos, valoramos más las cosas que las personas, se llora más la muerte de un animal que la de ­un familiar, lo malo parece bueno y lo bueno parece malo.

En la película “Mentes Peligrosas” una profesora se ve enfrentada a un grupo de estudiantes disímiles de secundaria, pertenecientes a los suburbios de una ciudad estadounidense: droga, sexo, violencia, pobreza y lo peor: ­­­­sin deseos de aprender. Ella busca la forma de llamar su atención, de motivarlos, de liderarlos y de incentivarles el amor a la lectura, específicamente a la composición de poemas. En esta película se observa el reto cada vez mayor de los docentes actuales: lograr la atención y respeto de sus estudiantes, el interés hacia el aprendizaje, que deseen aprender, no estudiar para obtener una nota.
En este mundo confuso y marco actual de la educación, aparecen seis (6) grandes megatendencias (considerables cambios sociales, políticos, económicos y tecnológicos que influyen en períodos largos  de 10 o más años), algunos ejemplos pueden ser: pasar de una sociedad industrial a una sociedad de la información, economía global, renacimiento de las artes, renacimiento religioso,  alta tecnología[1].
Estas megatendencias identificadas por las grandes potencias económicas, son citadas por algunos autores a través de sus escritos, tal como se mencionan a continuación:
En el libro:  The World in 2030[2], se dice: Después de un estudio con una empresa Alemana y haber encontrado 20 megatendencias, se realiza un análisis de cosas en común, impactos, etc, dejando 6 megatendencias para tener en cuenta en la formación de los líderes del año 2030.
En la obra: Las Tendencias Mundiales y el Futuro de América Latina. Sergio Bitar[3], dice: Pensar el futuro no significa hacer predicciones. Es imposible predecir, pero sí se pueden explorar hipótesis plausibles de cómo podrían evolucionar las cosas. El futuro no es una continuación lineal del pasado ni es ajeno a la acción humana. La definición de áreas de riesgo ayuda a corregir el rumbo y detectar oportunidades. También este autor menciona las 6 megatendencias.
A su vez, el autor de la obra: Building the New Leader, Hay Group[4] escribe: Las megatendencias  afectan a todas las regiones  y las partes interesadas, incluidos los gobiernos, empresas y particulares. Y ellas  transforman las economías, las sociedades y las políticas en un nivel fundamental.

Estas megatendencias para el 2030 son:
  • 1.     Aceleración de la globalización
  • 2.     El cambio climático, su impacto ambiental y la escasez de recursos
  • 3.     El cambio demográfico
  • 4.     La individualización y los valores del pluralismo
  • 5.     Formas de vida cada vez más digital
  • 6.     Convergencia tecnológica

Mito o Verdad?

Asociándolo a la educación, encontramos las siguientes apreciaciones:

Primero, la globalización exige capacidad académica para perdurar ante la competencia y los constantes cambios del mercado.

Segundo, la escasez de recursos, especialmente el agua, exige una cultura ambiental que evite dilapidar las riquezas naturales.

Tercero, el cambio demográfico, donde el mundo estará poblado por adultos mayores, incentiva la mano de obra de los jóvenes bien preparados.

Cuarto, la sociedad cada vez exigirá más libertad y democracia. Menos represión y autoritarismo.

Quinto, el mundo digital, las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones sociales, transparencia, seguridad, violencia y crimen organizado se podrán manipular solo con el conocimiento y la información real y oportuna.

Sexta, la miniaturización y la virtualización impulsarán la convergencia entre nano, bio, las tecnologías de la información y las ciencias cognitivas.

En todas ellas se observa que la educación no es una forma más de llegar al futuro y sobrevivir en él, sino que es la única forma de lograrlo.


Evidencia de Ana Milena Peña con Tecnologos en Gestión Administrativa

A continuación aparece un video de la experiencia pedagógica relacionada con fomentar la Investigación de la instructora Ana Milena Peña con aprendices SENA de Tecnologia en Gestión Administrativa.
Entrevisté a los aprendices y a la instructora SENA.